The Word 5
The Word 5.adf
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48 lines
|Why the Exorcist is damned Scary!
by Video/iNDi
O.K. all you hard assed film viewers who've seen the Exorcist and say
it wasn't frightening. That's probably true, especially if you were
having a good laugh at it with a few cans and bunch of your mates, BUT
just try watching it alone in your house at half one in the morning like
I did, and you'll probably change your story. The thing with horror
movies is that the're all about personal perception and the frame of
mind you're in at the time.
Anyway the real point of this article is that many people haven't seen
the original Exorcist. This is because the original contains sublimal
frames which nowadays the film censors won't allow to be shown. Anyone
whose seen special showings at the cinema since the original version
will have missed out, as will have anyone whose seen a pirate video of
this version.
The idea of these subliminal frames is to flash a picture on screen so
quickly that you do not consciously see it, however your subconscious
does. Having only subconsciously seen the image (which is a picture of
a hideous demon's head), this unsettles you and adds to the disturbing
nature of the film. This is done in 2 places.
The first scene where this is done is during a sequence depicting a
dream by the priest. The scene is already very atmospheric showing only
in b/w and completely silent except for the hauting Tubular Bells music
by Mike Oldfield. Part way through the sequence the demon's head is
flashed onto the screen. This really is so quick that it can hardly be
noticed let alone seen for what it is even if you're looking for it.
The film makers intentions were obviously to subliminally unsettle the
The second scene with the demon's head is near the end of the film. In
this case the posessed girl Regan is fighting the two priests attempting
to perform the exorcism. As the film climaxes, Regan falls to the bed,
and as she drops, the demon's head is substituted for her own, again
only for a split second. This probably depicts the demon that is
posessing her.
If you ever get the Exorcist on Video, look out for the screen flashing
in the above two scenes, and if possible pause the picture at those
points. Its surprising what you'll see.